Why is Marketing Important for Tech Companies?


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It often happens that the engineering department at a technological firm will roll out a new update. But most of the time, these updates gets unnoticed. With the help of tech copywriting, the marketing domain of the company publishes the major changes in the working of the application, but a minor change is kept unnoticed. In this article, we will help you learn the importance of marketing for a technology company and how transparency can help secure a loyal customer base.

Why is Marketing Important for Tech Companies

1. Importance of Product Marketing

The role of product marketing is immense in any industry. In a technology derived product such as a laptop or smartphone, if a technical feature is released for the customers without informing them in advance, it can negatively affect the company amongst their customer base. Consider a scenario where a new feature can be perplexing for some people. If the company didn’t give them any prior information about the feature update for their devices such as laptops or smartphones, the people wouldn’t be happy with the company as they are not maintaining transparency with their customers.

Thus, a company should focus on providing its users with necessary information about the technical changes they are going to make in the near future. If possible, the company should also attach a video or highlight the main features updated in the device. This will create mutual trust between the customer and the company and therefore create a positive brand image.

2. Utilizing Customer Reviews efficiently for Marketing

Whenever a person buys electronic equipment, faults are inevitable because the equipment will get affected with time and the nature of the application. Therefore, in such a case, the customer will reach out to the customer service team and explain the issues they are facing.

Therefore, during the research and development of a new product, the engineering team must analyze the customer data. The customer data will help the engineers manufacture a product that is in the customers’ interest. Moreover, it will make the product more appealing as the marketing team will be able to promote the product according to the customers’ needs. Moreover, the customers will feel that the company is listening to their demands and acting upon them.

3. Ask Social Media Influencers to endorse your product

“People buy whatever they see” People spend their time extensively on the internet, exploring different social media platforms and checking out the videos posted by their favourite social media influencers. Influencer marketing is a feasible and cost-effective way to market your product, especially in the technological domain. If you ask a social media influencer to use your equipment such as a mobile phone, regularly for a short period of time and ask them to record their experience and publish it amongst their audience. Trust me, nothing can be more productive than that because people will get reviews from the real-life experience of a user and that experience will be highly convincing when compared with a short technical review video.


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