Injury Claim: Can You Get a Lawsuit Loan?


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According to recent statistics, there are about 40 million emergency room visits by Americans annually. While this is devastating, more than half of these visits are accident-related. If you are a victim of personal injury due to someone else’s recklessness or careless actions, you stand a good chance of getting compensated through a personal injury lawsuit.

Unfortunately, even if you have a strong case and your prospects of getting compensated are high, personal injury lawsuits often take months, or even years, to reach a reasonable settlement. Due to this, you and your family might face tremendous financial constraints as you wait for the payment.

Injury Claim: Can You Get a Lawsuit Loan

The good news is that you can always rely on lawsuit loans to take care of all your financial information, including hospital bills and personal bills. However, qualifying for a lawsuit loan, while easy, is not without its complexities. To get a lawsuit loan, here are things that you should have.

You Must Have a Valid Lawsuit in Court

Just as the name suggests, a lawsuit loan is a loan designed for plaintiffs who have filed valid lawsuits in court. To qualify for a lawsuit loan, the first thing that lenders look for is whether you have a valid case filed in court.

Remember that a lender will only base the loan amount to give you on the expected settlement. Therefore, without a lawsuit in court and a possible settlement amount, you won’t stand a chance of getting a loan from a lender. The good news is that you can apply for a pre-settlement loan at any stage of your case.

An Attorney Must Represent You in Court

Another essential thing to note is that you cannot qualify for pre-settlement funding if an attorney does not represent you. Although your attorney will be instrumental in ensuring that you get the best deal out of the lawsuit, he should also represent you on a contingency basis. Since lenders base their loan on your estimated settlement, they are more comfortable that you will win if your attorney is willing to establish his fee on your victory as well.

Always keep in mind that lenders are still there for the profits, and whenever they feel that your case is not strong enough or has the slightest hint that your lawyer does not believe that you will win, they cannot award you the loan. By retaining your attorney on a contingency basis, the lender will feel that you stand a better chance of getting a proper settlement.

You Must Show Proof of Liability

Showing proof of liability by the defendant is another crucial component of qualifying for a lawsuit loan. Whenever you have any documents and facts that indicate that the other party is solely liable for your injuries, you are most likely able to get a loan. While this might sound simple, getting documentation of proof can still be difficult.

However, if you can get certified police reports showing that the defendant was at fault, you can rest assured that you will likely qualify for a lawsuit loan. At the same time, if you can get an admission from the defendant’s insurer that the person was at fault, you stand a better chance of getting a lawsuit loan. Regardless of the nature of how you sustained your injuries, always get documented proof of the defendant’s liability.

You Must Have Medical Treatment Details

Before getting the lawsuit loan, a lender will want to be sure that you deserve the loan. Another way of securing a lawsuit loan is by having all your medical treatment details. This includes all your records for emergency room treatment, the type of therapy and medications prescribed, as well as the total amount of money paid or owed to the hospital. While at it, medical information that you provide should be thorough and accurate. Sharing inaccurate medical information will limit your chances of being approved for a lawsuit loan.


With so many lenders out there, getting a lawsuit loan has never been easier. However, you have to meet the above conditions to qualify for one. Always consult your lawyer in every step of the process.


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