How Kratom for Pain Helps Bloggers


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If you were to come up with a list of top professions where people struggle with chronic pain, blogging might not make the top spot. That doesn’t mean bloggers don’t need to learn about the best kratom strain for pain. It is always beneficial to have kratom for pain stocked up from kratom krush.

Professional bloggers spend hours each day at their keyboards, placing them at increased risk of developing repetitive motion injuries. Many are also drawn to the industry by existing pain conditions that preclude other more strenuous work. Managing pain can make it hard to focus on writing. Kratom supplements may offer some relief.

Are you a blogger struggling with chronic pain? Take it from a fellow industry professional: kratom might offer you the relief you’re looking for.

How Kratom for Pain Helps Bloggers

What is Kratom?

Kratom is an herbal supplement. Until recent years, it was all but unheard of in the West. Now it seems like everyone is talking about kratom, especially health and wellness circles.

There’s a good reason for the recent interest in kratom. This versatile herb derived from the leaves of the kratom or Mitragyna speciosa tree may have therapeutic potential.

How Could Kratom Help With Pain?

Western scientists have only scratched the surface of how kratom works and what kind of therapeutic benefits it might confer. What they do know is that its active alkaloids provide the herb’s potential analgesic effects.

Researchers have identified at least two dozen alkaloids in kratom. They currently believe just two of them may be responsible for most of the herb’s analgesic properties.

Mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine act as both agonists and antagonists to your brain’s opioid receptors. Research shows they may provide better pain relief than even dangerous pharmaceutical drugs like morphine in the right doses.

What Else is Kratom Good For?

Chronic pain conditions don’t just make it challenging to work. They can also impact your mood, energy levels, and sleep cycles. Kratom may offer relief from these problems, as well.

Clinical and anecdotal evidence shows that kratom may help with:

  • Anxiety reduction
  • Combatting fatigue
  • Regulating sleep cycles
  • Managing depression symptoms
  • Boosting stamina
  • Improving motivation
  • And more

Best Kratom Strains for Managing Pain

There are dozens of different strains of kratom, and each has a slightly different alkaloid profile. Some may be better for managing pain than others. If you’ve never tried kratom, stick with a classic strain like Red Borneo. You’ll likely find that it’s strong enough to support excellent pain management without making you feel overwhelmed.

Are you planning to use kratom while you work? You might not want to take Red Borneo since it could make you sleepy. Instead, try a more balanced strain like Green Malay or Red Maeng Da.

Best Ways to Take Kratom for Pain

Kratom enthusiasts love the herb’s effects, but few love its taste. The plant is quite bitter, so you’ll have to account for that when you take your daily dose of kratom. You can get around this bitterness by brewing kratom tea and sweetening it with honey or sugar. Kratom capsules are also a good solution.

If you don’t mind the bitter taste, using kratom powder straight is the most efficient way to take kratom. Just measure your dose into a teaspoon, put it in your mouth, and wash it down with tons of water. Regardless of how you decide to use kratom, it’s best to take it on an empty stomach.

What’s the Catch?

If this kratom benefits list sounds too good to be true, don’t be put off. Most experienced kratom users don’t report side effects or physical dependency problems that outweigh the herb’s potential benefits. That said, you need to see both sides of the equation to make an informed decision about whether you should try it.

Kratom’s side effects may include nausea, vomiting, and lack of appetite. Some users also report developing a kratom tolerance or experiencing withdrawal symptoms when they stop. It’s essential to recognize the difference between physical dependence and addiction. Most users also report having no more trouble quitting kratom than quitting coffee.
Kratom and Drug Screening

Many users also want to know, does kratom show on probation drug test? The answer is complicated. Kratom’s active alkaloids can show up on drug tests. In most cases, that’s not a problem since kratom is legal both federally and in 44 states.

Most probation drug panels don’t include kratom alkaloids, but you might want to check with your PO to be safe. If you live in one of the six states with kratom bans, you should abstain from kratom use for at least a week before planned drug screenings.

Here’s where it’s not legal to use kratom:

  • Alabama
  • Arkansas
  • Indiana
  • Rhode Island
  • Vermont
  • Wisconsin
  • Select local municipalities in various other states

Is Kratom Legal?

Kratom may share some effects with illicit drugs, but it is not a banned substance in most of the US. You can buy, possess, and use kratom without the risk of legal repercussions anywhere in the US that has not banned it on a local level.

Try Kratom for Yourself

The best way to validate anecdotal accounts of kratom’s helpfulness in fighting pain is to try it for yourself. Make sure you buy kratom that has been lab-tested. It’s the best way to ensure potency and purity. If you feel that it helps, put your talents to good use and share your experiences with others who might benefit from using kratom for pain.


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