Guide to Redundancy


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At the time that a business needs to limit its workforce, jobs get closed down. The individuals doing these will be made redundant. This is not like getting the sack. When one is made redundant, they will get some legal rights. It is important that you know what these are in the area that you are in like redundacny payment in Queensland.

Guide to Redundancy

The following gives you some information on redundancy:

Who can be chosen?

It is important to be chosen fairly for the redundancy procedure. If you are not, you need to fight for your rights.

The reasons that are said to not be “fair” are ones age, race, gender, religious belief and sexual orientation. You cannot be chosen to get redundant if you are pregnant. An organization may use the reason that the employee is a part of a trade union so they make them redundant. This is not fair. If you have asked to get holiday or even maternity leave, and the employer makes you redundant, this is not right.

The above can be said to be unfair dismissal. If a worker has joined a trade union, they can get to know of their rights when it comes to redundancy.

Employers can make selections that are based upon length of service and also when looking at disciplinary records. There are some firms that even ask for volunteers and provide them with an enhanced redundancy payment. It is not necessary for the employers to choose volunteers.

Is it possible to be made redundant immediately?

The answer to this is no. It depends on the laws of the country you are in. The amount of notice that you will be given may depend upon the amount of time that you have been employed.

If you are being made redundant, you may be entitled to have a consultation with the employer. It is important for the organization to follow the right method when it comes to redundancy.

Redundancy pay

You need to know how much will be the redundancy pay. Find out the laws that are present in your country. The amount that you get may depend on how much you are presently getting paid, the amount of time that you have been in the job, your age. Those who are in one job for at least around two years, the employer will need to pay statutory redundancy.

If you have a consultation, you should ask for the breakdown of the redundancy pay. You should ask the method that is being pursued to calculate this. Look at the contract of employment that you have and the company’s policies. This will help you know if you will get redundancy pay particularly over the statutory amount.

It is important that you know everything about redundancy. You can get this information with the help of the trade union that you are in. It is vital that you do not become redundant on unfair reasons. This is why it is vital to be knowledgeable here.


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