Facts Coffee Lovers Need to Know About Nespresso®


There is not available a lot of information about Nespresso® machines & Nespresso® coffee pods. However, Nespresso® is one of the most successful brands when it comes to coffee capsules and coffee machines. If you don’t know then to tell you that it’s a brand owned by Nestlé. Therefore, there are many facts and information that coffee lovers might not know about Nespresso®. The same has been discussed in this article.

Facts Coffee Lovers

At Gimoka Coffee UK, you can buy Nespresso® capsules online at an affordable price. An impeccable collection, comprise of six unique blends of various strengths: four espresso coffee pods (Deciso, Intenso, Cremoso Vellutato), one Lungo coffee pod blend and one decaffeinated blend (Soave).

Do Not Confuse Nespresso® with Espresso – The parameters of Nespresso® are much different than the traditional ones. With Nespresso®, the pressure is 19 bar vs. 9 bar with traditional Espresso. The brew ratio is much higher with Nespresso® as against the traditional Espresso. Also, the flow rate if Nespresso® is much faster, unlike its counterpart Espresso. Nespresso® is ultra-convenient. It is faster than what you can imagine.

History of Nespresso® is Inspirational – Behind Nespresso®, is a huge conglomerate – Nestle. The enthralling tale behind Nespresso® is brilliant as well as inspirational. What was founded 30 years ago is the inspiration for many. Their main aim is to create exceptional coffee for everyone. The triumphs in the past had laid down the path for a better future. Together, these ideals guide them to serve a lip-smacking cup of coffee to everyone.

Nespresso® Pods Do Not Contain Instant Coffee – Seldom people assume that Nespresso® Pods or capsules comprise of instant and soluble coffee. But, they are wrong. Instead, they contain finely ground coffee beans. The super-fast flow rate is related to super-high pressure at which the water is passed through the coffee grounds. The capsules that contain instant, soluble coffee is Nescafé Dolce Gusto pods.

Nespresso® Does Not Cause Harm To The Environment – Nespresso® machines have been dependent on aluminium for the capsules. This lead to an impact on the environment both in terms of mining and disposal. Thus, Nespresso® came up with recycling of the pods. In this initiative the recycling bags can be dropped at any of the thousands of CollectPlus collection points throughout the UK, or which can be dropped off at a Nespresso® Boutique.

Nescafe and Nespresso® Does Not Have Much To Share – Nestlé is the owner of Nespresso® , and that Nestlés other brands of course include Nescafe’. But this does not mean that Nespresso® machines deliver the same Nescafe coffee via capsules. Both of them employ quite different business models, and they don’t use the same coffee beans. Since Nespresso® came into existence, sales of instant coffee in the UK has risen at a rate of 5.9%.

Looking to buy Genuine Italian alternative to Nespresso® Capsules and Pods with unique taste? At Gimoka Coffee, you can buy compatible Nespresso® coffee capsules online which work with all Nespresso® machines original line for home use like Pixie, Citiz, Essenza, Lattissima, U, Maestria, Inissia, Expert, Creatista.

Next time you use Nespresso® , discover which Nespresso® compatible capsule blend mostly satisfies your coffee taste. Also recall all these facts. The enthralling facts over a cup of coffee will make your break all the more rejuvenating and relaxing. When you buy lavazza capsules from Gimoka, you can save upto 40%. The product is dispatched within 24 hours. What Else!! Gimoka Coffee offers free shipping on orders worth £19.99 and above across UK. All the products are 100% Compatible with all Nespresso® original coffee machines

Disclaimer : Nespresso® is a registered trademark of SOCIETÈ DES PRODUITS NESTLÈ S.A. Gimoka Coffee UK is an independent distributor not connected directly or indirectly to SOCIETÈ DES PRODUITS NESTLÉ S.A. The compatibility of Gimoka capsules is functional for use on Nespresso® machines and does not replace the use of the original capsules produced by SOCIETÈ DES PRODUITS NESTLÈ S.A.


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