Can Anti Viral Bedsheets Help Improve Immunity For COVID?


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The terrible Coronavirus continues to ravage India with several new cases being reported every single day. At the backdrop of this awful illness are several factors: lack of sanitary protocols being followed, lack of social distancing, the possibility that the virus has now become airborne, relaxing norms before the virus could be adequately contained, and so on.

Can Anti Viral Bedsheets Help Improve Immunity For COVID?

It is now up to us to remain safe in our homes and prevent the infection from entering our bodies to the best of our abilities. But are you 100% sure that the virus does not lurk in your house? It can remain active on skin, clothing and surfaces for several days. You may avoid going out and instead, call for groceries and other items home via online shopping. But are you sure that you have sanitised all products and your hands and clothing fully?
What is more, we do not consider the possibility that we might be (literally) taking the virus to bed with us. Is your bed linen fully proofed against COVID-19? Indeed, is there any protection against the virus from entering your bed linen and entering your system and endangering you and your loved ones? There is one good solution that you can adopt: buy antiviral bedsheets online.

What are antiviral and antimicrobial bedsheets?

As the name suggests, an antiviral or antimicrobial bedsheets are those that offer protection against several harmful viruses and microbes. As you are already aware, viruses and microbes in bedding can adhere to your skin, hair and clothing. They can easily enter your system via your eyes, nose and mouth, and cause many illnesses. Several people suffer from respiratory and vision-related problems that can be traced back to unclean bedding rife with viruses.

However, leading bed linen manufacturers have found a good solution to the problem with antiviral bedsheets. The best ones in India today claim to offer up to 99.9% protection against a host of bacteria and viruses that causes serious illnesses, including the terrible Coronavirus. Leading bed linen brands in India use patented technology to provide an anti-viral finish to the bedsheets you purchase online. These bed sheets protect not just against the microbes leading to mildew and mould, but also viruses causing COVID-19, flu, common cough and cold, etc.

The bedsheets are often made in two ways: One, with an antiviral and anti-microbial wash on the finished product, or by weaving antimicrobial fibres into the cotton yarn during production. The best antiviral bedsheets online retain their medical properties despite years of use and wash.

Are they safe to use?

The first instances of antimicrobial bedsheets were found in the US, where these sheets were widely used in hospitals to protect patients against infections and several disorders. These were approved by the FDA and subjected to several checks before they could be deemed safe for use. However, antiviral technology today is much safer, though manufacturers must still get FDA clearance for sale. Leading brands selling antiviral bedsheets online and in their stores make sure that the products are non-toxic and completely safe to use even by babies, pregnant womenand senior citizens. However, it is best to ask your doctor about using them before you buy these bedsheets online, especially if you suffer from respiratory, eye or skin issues.

How to buy an antiviral bedsheet

Are you about to buy new bedsheets online? Here’s how you do it:

  • Look up leading brands in the bed linen space in India. Leading brands have the means and expertise to manufacture antiviral bedsheets.
  • When browsing through single or double bed sheet collections, check the product description for the word ‘antiviral’. Click on the images showing this description to study the bedsheet in detail.
  • Check what makes the bedsheet an antiviral one, and if it is safe to buy and use. If you have any specific questions, write to the brand requesting for more information or a call back from the company.
  • Check the bedsheets’ care and washing instructions. Usually, it is enough to wash them with a good liquid detergent.
  • Choose the bedsheet online based on your preference for size, colour, pattern and antiviral technology. Add the selected ones to your shopping cart. You might also find matching comforters to go with the bedsheets.
  • Once your cart is full, proceed to pay for the products online. Do check the brand’s exchange and refund policy before you pay. This comes in handy in case you need to return or exchange the product later.
  • Buy the bedsheets online by paying using any of the digital payment options provided. Most brands have temporarily suspended the COD (Cash On Delivery) option in keeping with COVID-19 safety protocols, so don’t insist on paying by cash. Digital payments are much safer.

Once the bedsheets arrive, you should sanitise the package before opening it. Next, start using the bedsheets to get protected against several illnesses.


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