Best Gift Ideas To Surprise Your Husband


Gifts are always a favorite for all types of people, from younger to older. From impressing a person to surprising them, there can’t be a better option than gifting. The culture of gifting is more popular among youngsters to impress their better half. Gifts can be of many types, starting from personalized gifts it ranges to market gifts to DIY gifts and many more.

Best Gift Ideas To Surprise Your Husband

But among all of them, the best gift for a husband is that one which is made by their beloved. Handmade gifts can never be a fail, they are majorly a hit among beloveds. It has been seen that they are more often opted for, among the rest. These types of gifts are known as DIY (Do it yourself) and amazingly they are not hard to make.

Some of the easiest and most catchy kinds of DIY ideas are:

• Lovopoly Board: If one’s husband is fond of games, this one is sure to attract them. Create a board similar to the format of a monopoly board, and fill it up with places they have visited, changing the ‘jail’ into the doghouse, etc. in short making the board totally according to their moments spend. This can be a birthday gift and can also be played on an anniversary evening.

• Memory Jar: Memory Jars are always an emotional gifting idea which will definitely be the best gift for husband. So, fill up a rusty old jar with the tickets, receipts, bills, etc. or so of major outings. It can also include gift wrappers or price tags etc. anything that will trigger past memories. Each of the items in the jar must have the dates written on it.

• Words of Appreciation: Everyone yearns to be told that they are immensely loved and are afraid to be lost, or what are their best qualities, etc. Take up a scrap paper and cut out hearts, or rather different shapes. Write on them a few words of appreciation or words of adoration, etc. and keep it in a bottle jar or so.

Candy Bouquet: This is a perfect bouquet for those whose husband has a sweet tooth, design a vase with all sorts of candy and chocolates, fill the bottom of the vase with cube or sphere shaped candies or chocolates and keep the long bar type chocolates at the mouth and decorate it with a ribbon or a pair of flowers or some two – liners scattered throughout.

• Hearty Hallway: One of the most romantic gifts is decorating a hallway with hundreds of cards in a maze format. Fill up each of the hearts with a single caption and tie it along with a ribbon. Each string of ribbon should hold four to five captioned hearts. Some balloons can also be added in between. One can opt for a flipping heart or may keep it simple.

• Thoughtful Letter Series: It is not necessary to gift only on occasions, a gift may also be given when one’s sweetheart is depressed, sad, etc. This DIY is the best and most happening for long distance relationships. Write an encouraging letter filled with love and a little mischief. Envelop it with a written instance e.g. ‘open when you feel you’re all alone’ and hide it in different places. Whenever he feels low and lonely make him search for the note. Such letters can number up to individual choices.

Thus, these above DIY ideas should be tried out at least once and only then can one understand the nostalgic feelings that remain associated with such gifts.


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