Backup Power for Critical Loads Can Save Lives And Money


A lack of backup power systems in many areas of the United States has led to large segments of territory becoming deenergized. Turning off electricity due to inclement weather or other factors can often result in displeased customers, the disruption of businesses and more. Having the safety precautions and backup power can help to save time, lives and money.

Backup Power for Critical Loads Can Save Lives And Money

Backup power and critical operations solutions are becoming a much greater factor for many businesses and with longer-lasting power outages that can continue to lead to disruptions, having access to these backup systems for every customer within an electrical utility can be crucial. Rather than facing a major outage, having one of these systems can make sure that critical manufacturers, emergency response, medical field professionals and more can get the tools they need for ongoing power.

Although backup power is not a requirement for every electrical grid or business across the United States, having the time and the preparation to get ready for an emergency can be important to protecting any commercial facility. Making a plan for when the power goes out can also be important. Make sure that you have systems in place for any business to deal with power outages over the short-term and the long-term. Having a strategy in place that you can use will help to prevent losses and make sure that you can maximize your reliance on the power systems that you have even in an emergency.

Electricity often represents the lifeblood of your industry and rather than facing a complete shutdown during a failure, having the reliance on energy and power throughout your grid can be important to maximizing your performance and your abilities as a company.

If you would like to learn more about backup power solutions, contact us today to learn more.

This post was written by Justin Tidd, Director at For nearly a half a century, Swartz Engineering has been at the forefront of industry safety. They are a family-owned company specializing in power distribution for the electrical industry. Our design ensures maximum flexibility for excellent reliability and a high return on investment.


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