How to Maintain Your Company’s Tone of Voice


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When you’re running a business, you know that every message that comes out of your firm needs to be on-brand and on-tone. You don’t want to confuse consumers by constantly shifting the messaging that you’re sharing – in your marketing materials, on social media, or over email. Instead, you want to present a unified front that won’t confuse consumers and will remind customers of what you’re about. In this article, we’ll look at how you can maintain your firm’s tone of voice no matter what.

How to Maintain Your Companys Tone of Voice

Brand Booklet

When new starters begin at your firm, you’ll hand them some onboarding materials. These are likely to include some information about log-ins and the software you use, the criteria of their specific job role, and what the business they’ve just joined stands for. But among these documents, you should also be including a brand booklet: a guide to how your business tends to communicate itself to the wider public. Here, you should be careful to build your booklet with the help of your brand gurus – so that you know you’re maintaining the right tone and teaching it to all new recruits.

Social Media

Your messaging emanates from several parts of your business – but one which is perhaps the most prominent in terms of its reach comes on social media. Whether you’re forever tweeting out to followers or you tend to post images onto Instagram, you need to have a constant stream of consistent messaging so that viewers know who’s speaking and what you stand for. SOCi’s enterprise social media management software can help in this regard, allowing your teams to line up social media content for delivery over different regions and time zones that all conform to the very same style of voice.


Another place that’ll attract a great deal of attention and which you’ll use to convey your message is your website. It’s here that consumers will discover your brand and what your company’s mission is. They’ll decide here whether you’re a smart, professional, no-nonsense business or a young, dynamic, and fun one. Of course, both of those tones are fine, but you’ll need them to fit your business and your style of operations. The advice here is to consider your website your true home on the internet and fit it out with all of the hallmarks of a home – characterful decoration that only your firm could produce.


Finally, there are times at which you may wish to change your company’s tone of voice. For instance, if your firm is over ten years old, you may well be due a rebrand, and during that process, you may decide that you’d prefer your firm had a more youthful and energetic tone – one that’ll be of more interest on social media and will be relevant for a new generation. But changing your firm’s tone of voice is risky and could alienate existing customers. So make sure you execute this change carefully in order to take customers along with you in your transition.

Tone of voice is important in businesses – so maintaining yours should be a priority now and in the future.


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