Solar Panel Maintenance: The Basics Explained


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Are you wondering what steps you need to take for proper solar panel maintenance? If you have recently installed solar panels, you might be wondering the best way to maintain them.

Solar panel maintenance affects how well your panels work. When your solar panels are free of dirt, debris, leaves, bird droppings, and more, they are more efficient and will last longer.

Solar Panel Maintenance: The Basics Explained

Fortunately, maintaining your solar panels is an easy process. By cleaning your panels regularly, you can keep them in great working order.

If you are wondering how to properly maintain your solar panels, this short and simple guide is for you.

Refer to Your Instruction Manual

The first step for maintaining your solar panels is to refer to your instruction manual. Look for specific instructions for cleaning and maintaining your panels. If you don’t have your instruction manual, contact your solar company.

Choose a Cool and Mild-Weathered Day

When planning to clean your panels, make sure to choose a cool and mild-weathered day. If you spray cool water on your hot panels, the combination can cause the panels to crack.

Shut Down Your System

Before cleaning solar panels, make sure to shut down your system. As the instructions to shut down your system can vary, refer to the owner’s manual to learn how.

Focus on Safety at All Times

One of the most important tips for cleaning your home solar panels is to focus on safety at all times. If you choose to climb on your roof to clean the panels, use a safety harness and follow the ladder safety rules. As an alternative, you can clean the panels from the ground with a water hose.

Use a Gentle Stream of Water

Although you might think a pressure washer is ideal for cleaning solar panels, the opposite is true. A pressure washer can damage or break your solar panels, leaving you with a costly repair or replacement. Instead, use a gentle stream of water from your water hose to clean the panels.

Use a Soft Cloth

If you are not able to clean the panels with a stream of water, consider using a soft cloth. A microfiber cloth is great for wiping away dust, debris, and more, from your solar panels.

Clean Your Panels Every Six Month

Part of caring for solar panels is maintaining them regularly. For this reason, it’s important to clean your panels every six months. If you live in an area with harsh winters or dusty summers, make sure you are cleaning them whenever they are dirty.

Solar Panel Maintenance: This Is What You Need To Know

By following these solar panel maintenance tips, you can maintain your solar panels properly.

Start by referring to your instruction manual for specifics on what you can and cannot do. You should also clean on a cool and mild-weathered day, shut down your system, and focus on safety at all times. Make sure to use a gentle stream of water and clean your panels every six months.

Follow these tips to maintain your solar panels.

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