7 Ways to Prevent Data Loss


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There is a misconception that cyberattacks and data breaches happen to only big organizations or large-scale enterprises. This is not true at all.

If you look into most of the cyberattacks that have happened in the last couple of years, more than 50% of the data breaches have targeted small and mid-sized companies. This is because small businesses have only a limited budget to invest in their data security strategy.

7 Ways to Prevent Data Loss

This misconception has prevented small businesses from taking data losses seriously. In fact, their negligence shows no bounds. They not only ignore it but also do nothing to protect it. In the recent data produced by IBM, the total cost of data losses in America last year was $8 million.

How to Prevent Data Losses?

Now that you know how much revenue you are losing with data losses, it is high time that you start practicing methods to prevent data losses. Let’s take a look at the prevention strategies that can mitigate the data loss risks.

1. Backups

The most important aspect that you should look into is the data backup strategy. When data is lost, data backups are the simplest ways to get back your data. Given below are a few data backup tips that you might consider.

  • Ensure that at least one copy of your data is stored in a separate disk.
  • Store your data backups in a different site or location.
  • Run regular health check-ups on your backups.

2. Antivirus & Firewalls

Going for antivirus or any other firewall is the first step to ensure your document is safely stored and protected from any external attacks. The digital world is full of malware and ransomware. Hence, you must have the right firewall in place.

While choosing an antivirus or a firewall, ensure that it complements your requirement and offers a tailor-made solution.

3. Disaster Recovery Plan

You can lose your data in numerous ways. Accidentally deleting data, damaged hard drive, corrupted files, malware, and operating system updates can result in data losses.

If you find yourself in any of these scenarios, you can use data recovery software. iBoysoftdata recovery software is oneof the leading software and has the best data recovery services. In fact, you can enjoy up to 1GB of free data recovery in its trial version.

4. Protect Data from Power Outages

One of the rarest causes of data losses is power outages. To prevent your data from being lost, try going for an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). It will ensure you have enough power to complete your task during emergency power surges.

5. Specify Access Levels

Sometimes data losses happen due to excessive access levels. Restricting employees and authorizing only a few to access sensitive information allows you to control the data flow and reduce loopholes for data losses.

Ask your IT teams to set access levels and create privacy and policies to ensure data are handled properly.

6. Work with IT Expert

Some of the mentioned strategies can be implemented on your own. But having an IT team ensures that the strategies are working smoothly. There are scenarios where an IT team can help you bring faster data recovery results.

7. Educate Your Employees

Accept it! Employees are the weakest chain in cybersecurity, and most of the time, it is the employees’ mistake that results in data loss. Hence, educating your employees about cybersecurity, data backups, and data recovery will help you add another security layer to your network.

The more aware your employees are, the fewer mistakes will happen. Hence, try educating your employees and make them aware of the possible mistakes that could easily be avoided.

Final Tip

Most businesses do not plan to lose any data, but that doesn’t mean they are immune. Nobody knows what will happen; data losses happen in the most uncertain ways.

Hence, integration practices that can help you prevent data losses are never a bad thing. Remember that the best defence is always the best offense.


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