How to Enhance the Security of Your Restaurant


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The top priority of a food service company is the security of the customers and employees. Restaurants’ security and safety procedures are important to make sure that workers can come and work in a safe environment while customers come and enjoy their visit.

How to Enhance the Security of Your Restaurant

A single incident can damage the reputation of your restaurant. People will have a fear to visit such places where a crime happened.

If you are having some concerns about the security of your place and don’t have an idea what to do to improve the security. Here are some tips and advice to help you surpass crimes:

Plan for Deterrence and Response

The best way to avoid crimes is to not let them happen in the first place but there are times where your every measure can’t stop it from happening. So not to just take measures to avoid crimes but it is also important to have plans if something happens.


Deterrence means that you can make it difficult for someone to get away with a crime within your premises. If you manage to create a good security system with alarms and things this will make the criminals think twice before doing it.


The best and fastest way to get away and catch the criminals is to work together with the police. Having a quick response system that enables your employees and customers to call out the police and ensure their safety during crimes.

Set Up Restaurant Security Systems

Technology can help you a lot when it comes to secure your premises. It enables you to deter and record crimes safely and effectively.

Alarm Systems

Old school methods like a good alarm system is still an efficient method to scare intruders. There are different kinds of systems including an alarm that is hooked with a telephone that can alert you and the police in seconds rather than relying on people next door.

Even though if your place is where crime is not a concern, an alarm can still come handy. An accident happens everywhere, a smoke alarm will enable your employers to alert the fire department, in this way the damage is minimized.

Install CCTV

One of the most effective ways to improve the security of your restaurant. A CCTV does not just record crimes but this also fears intruders and criminals to do something on your premises as there are more chances to catch them as compared to no CCTV installed.

Most of the people that don’t install a camera system is that they think a CCTV system will cost them a lot. This is not true! Although it depends on your location a system with 8 cameras will cost you around $300-$400. You can buy a security system from the nearest risk Management Company. If you are living in the UK the best choice is PD risk management. They are the best of their kind. You can even ask them and they will help you improve the security of your restaurant.

Restaurant Security Personnel

For almost every food service business, a security guard is not a reliable option these days. If you are in an area where crimes occur often then a well-trained bouncer is what you need. A bouncer is a great addition if your restaurant closes late.

Prevent Violence

A certified bouncer can help you a lot when it comes to defusing violence. Often violence amongst customers turns into crimes. Defusing this violence in the first place will ensure that other customers and employers are safe.

Monitor CCTV

You should hire a team of bouncers that have different roles. One or two that stays behind the screen and points out if something unusual happens in the restaurant. As their presence is required everywhere in the place, this can happen when they are looking into the CCTV feeds.
The ideal is to hire 3-4 bouncers as when something happens they can go in pair and reduce the chances of getting hurt.

Escort Individuals

Another thing that bouncers can make sure is to escort for your employees on the day end, walking the last cooks, workers, or bartenders at their means of transportation to ensure that they return to their homes safely.

Doing these small practices with your customers as well will improve your repute in the community and more people will come when they’ll know about your doings with your customers.

Even if you can’t afford or want to hire a bouncer, your employees can do the same job by working in pairs opening and closing the shop.

Internal Threats

Internal affairs are one other reason that can risk your restaurant’s security. Employees that worked or are working for you can become potential criminals. However, the majority of the workers are not criminally inclined, taking out cash and take out valuables can become easier when someone knows the security system of a place inside and out.

These reasons make it important that your employees should be loyal to you. Employees become loyal when they are listened to when you listen to their problems, disagreements, and other issues and try to solve them makes a relationship that decreases the risk of internal criminal exploits.

Furthermore, if an employee is disgruntled and takes such actions, your other employees, security measures are enough to make sure that the restaurant is safe. If these options fail then you can add several security measures that you know or have access to. Sometimes a group of workers is involved in doing activities harming the premises or taking out cash. The best thing is to look into CCTV footage by yourself so that nothing stays is out of your knowledge.


The security of your restaurant, employees, and customers is utterly important to run a smooth business. Although even if you are in an area where the crime rate is low, there are chances that you may get robbed.

By practicing the above-mentioned advice will ensure the safety of your restaurant which includes installing a security system, maintain restaurant security personnel, and keeping an eye on internal threats. Keep powers to yourself, visit or stay on the premises as long as you can to ensure nothing goes wrong.


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